The Truth About Vitamins


The Truth About Vitamins
Interdisciplinary Lesson Objectives and Overview: Vitamins and Minerals explores the importance of consuming certain nutrients. Students will discover various kinds of vitamins that we ingest and how they help the body function properly. They will also be able to explain to others why eating healthy is important. Students will recognize that all vitamins and minerals support and boost the body’s immune system, which protects it from foreign substances. They also support normal growth and development and help cells and organs do their jobs. Eating the right foods is important to receive the needed vitamins and minerals for our body.
Vitamins and Minerals explores the importance of consuming nutrients to help strengthen the body. Students will be able to identify a variety of specific nutrients and describe how they help the body function properly. The worksheets at the end will help solidify what they learned throughout the lesson and reinforce their grasp of the material.
We can refer to the “Vitamin Table ” section to add more activities or tasks to the lesson or adjust the ones that are already there. One idea is to have students create menus of food items that include the necessary nutrients people need.

Teachers: Biology-Mirzoyan G, English-Araqelyan L.
Grade 10/8



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