Learning from recording video of your own classroom


Learning from recording video of your own classroom
Our Teachers’ Club supports the professional development of teachers and provides exclusive benefits to ensure that the experience we gain is positive for both us and our students. In an attempt to find the creative and the most effective approach to blended learning, the teachers of our school are navigating the unexpected hurdles by recording the video lessons and sharing it with students. The recorded video lessons are amazingly beneficial for the students who have missed the class or want to revise the lesson and learn at their own pace. Video helps teachers notice things about their classrooms that aren’t so evident while they’re teaching. Nowadays it has become common to record video on phones, tablets, and computers. So, growing numbers of teachers are now choosing to create and share recordings from their own classrooms, as part of formal or informal professional development opportunities. Classrooms are complex environments, with many events taking place at once. A teacher cannot devote equal amounts of attention to everything that goes on; rather, they must constantly decide where to direct their focus, making moment-by-moment judgments about what requires their most urgent attention. Because videos can reproduce much of the complexity and richness of classroom interactions, but without requiring an immediate response, they give teachers time to observe the many things going on in the classroom and reflect in new ways on what was taking place. In short, video offers teachers a way to improve their capacity to notice what is happening in their classrooms.

Department of Foreign Languages






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