The Book of the Month


The Fun they had by Isaak Asimov
It has become a good tradition to engage our students in reading books by reading them together. This is the best thing that we can do to foster a student’s love of reading.
When we give students access to a rich library, we provide hundreds of opportunities every day for their eye to fall on an intriguing title, or for them to see another student choose a book and become engrossed in it. When we surround them with books, we demonstrate that reading is something that permeates life, something to do at any moment of the day. When we give them a library and let them choose their own reading material, we provide opportunities for learning that are deeper, more pervasive, more personal, and most importantly, student driven.
Today we launch the whole school project guided by the main objective to bring them back to the written word taking The Fun They Had by Isaak Asimov as an example.
Lesson procedure
• Why learn literature?
• Science –fiction as a literary genre
• Is progress always good?
• Story elements (five story elements)
Grade 10-1
Teachers: K Aleksanyan N Madatyan



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