Suggested Summer Reading List for High School students Entering Grades 10 – 12


Suggested Summer Reading List for High School students Entering Grades 10 – 12

For many people, the summer months symbolize pleasure reading at its best. It is time for students to keep reading and improve their language skills. We encourage our students to participate in summer reading program, supported by school library and the Chair of Foreign Languages of High School 139 after Karen Demirchian.
Reading is an enjoyable experience and one should read for pleasure, not simply for academic credit. To that end we have created a list that gives a great deal of leeway to you when choosing books. We encourage you to «stretch» yourselves when making your choices. Students are free to choose books from the following sources: The grade level lists that follow. These lists blend popular and classic fiction and non-fiction and were selected in part by teachers and students.

The School library offers a great number of new books and services.


THE CALL OF THE WILD— London, Jack In this book, the wolf named Buck is stolen
from his home in California and then finds himself facing the harsh life of an Alaskan sled
dog in the 1890’s. From here he battles with Spitz, his mortal enemy, to become the lead
dog and meets Joe Thornton, who turns out to be his friend for life. (62 pages)

Prometheus(Greek Mythology)
Pandora (Greek Mythology)
JANE EYRE -Brontë, Charlotte This impassioned novel is the story of Jane Eyre, a plain yet spirited governess and her employer, the arrogant, brooding Mr. Rochester.
of murder mystery stories starring the famous Sherlock Holmes.

THE ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE -Defoe, Daniel Shipwrecked and alone on
a desert island the little known half-brother of the Great Caruso is doomed to warble tragic
arias, until the discovery of Friday and the beady liberation of the operatic duet!

The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Happy Prince (O. Wild)
Great Expectations (Charles Dickens)


PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (and/or any of her novels: see Sense and Sensibility; Emma
(Clueless was derived from Emma.) — Austen, Jane An exquisitely written novel in the
tradition of comedy of manners dealing with a family’s life in the nineteenth century.

JANE EYRE -Brontë, Charlotte This impassioned novel is the story of Jane Eyre, a plain yet spirited governess and her employer, the arrogant, brooding Mr. Rochester

REBECCA — duMaurier, Daphne If you haven’t read this classic tale of the mysterious
death of a beautiful and powerful woman, you have denied yourself.

FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS — Hemingway, Ernest An American fights against
fascism in Spain by leading a band of guerrillas in a hopeless cause.

A TALE OF TWO CITIES — Dickens, Charles The French Revolution is the setting for this
tale of adventure, love, and intrigue.
DAVID COPPERFIELD — Dickens, Charles This novel traces the early years of the orphannarrator
as he experiences both good and bad people and events in the early 18th century.

OLIVER TWIST -Dickens, Charles An orphan escapes to London, where he is captured by thieves and is forced to join in their escapades before finding happiness through an
unexpected benefactor.

MYTHOLOGY Pandora’s Box
TESS OF THE D’UBERVILLES — Hardy, Thomas. Violated by one man and forsaken by another, Tess is the magnificent and spirited heroine. She is a good person who is mistreated by others. This novel is her story.
Recommended literature for students of humanitarian stream with oral exam on the horizon.

The Grass is singing (After Doris Lessing)
The Godfather (After Mario Puzo)
Lorna Doone(After R.D.Blackmore)
Oliver Twist (After Charles Dickens)
Gone With the Wind (After M.Mitchell)
The Citade (After A.J.Cronin)
O.Henry’s short stories

Летнее чтение — это важная часть учебного процесса и незаменимый инструмент интеллектуального развития ребенка. Рекомендуя книги для самостоятельного чтения во время летних каникул, учителя преследуют сразу несколько целей: подготовить школьников к предстоящему учебному году, расширить их словарный запас и кругозор, улучшить технику чтения, развить память и речь.
Примерный список литературы для летнего чтения в
в 10 классе
А. Ахматова Реквием
М. Цветаева лирика
Б .Пастернак поэзия
А. Чехов Смерть Чиновника
О .Мандельштам поэзия
А. Солженицин рассказы
Л .Толстой Война и мир
Б .Окуджава лирика
в 11 классе
И. Бунин рассказы
А. Куприн Гранатовый браслет
М .Горький Старуха Изергиль
М. Шолохов Судьба человека
А .Платонов рассказы
К .Паустовский Первый снег
В .Шукшин рассказы
А .Солженицин рассказы

The chair of foreign languages of school 139 after Karen Demirchian





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