Implementation of the New Strategy

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»No subject is ever well understood and no art is intelligently practiced, if the light which the other studies are able to throw upon it deliberately».

Today, correlating of teaching of different subjects is considered highly essential. Another integrated lesson is designed to motivate our students in their learning. The students never get bored and keen on the techniques that promote a better understanding. The teachers do their best to bridge the school subjects boosting the idea of collaborative teaching. It is the conscious effort made by the teachers teaching various subjects, to show similarities or dependence of one subject on another.

To make correlation possible and justified the teachers of History and English have found a common ground in teaching material.

When studying World History we should pay particular attention to the glossary of historical terms. It is essential for students of humanitarian stream taking their degree in humanities- diplomacy and foreign languages, to practise multilingual glossary of terms on any learning material they observe. With this purpose in mind we developed some new strategies and tried to put them into practice.

The topic discussed today (The First World War) does not belong to the history of a particular country. So, the languages in which it is taught should be multilingual by default.
Grade 11-1
English teacher- K. Aleksanyan
History teacher- Z. Tsepnetyan

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